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The Ultimus Difference — Power, Flexibility and Reusability Made Easy




Fully Composable



Complex, Mission Critical…
Made Easy



Maximize speed, agility, and resiliency with Composed Process Solutions®, the only low-code technology based on composition. Compose custom workflows, reports, and applications from reusable, fully functional digital assets – built-in or customer created. Learn more

Where most low-code tools make it easy to do simple things, Ultimus makes it easy to tackle sophisticated, mission-critical process orchestration challenges – the ones that have the most business impact. Our patented rule-based process engine and multi-dimensional visual tooling gives process owners unprecedented power and flexibility at every level - UI development, task automation, organizational modeling, business rules, process flow, and role management.


Strategic vs. Tactical

 策略 VS 战术价值端到端的超自动化


End-to-End Hyperautomation


Instead of creating individual process islands, our focus is enterprise-wide. Create process families that work seamlessly together, simplify management, and satisfy every business variation. And our novel Ultimus Advanced Task Service/DPA Portal ensures performance and productivity in high volume, multi-process use cases.

Ultimus Flobots® and pre-built UI capabilities allow you to compose content ingestion, blockchain, automated document generation, AI/ML models, integration/events, email and SMS, and other complementary automation technologies into end-to-end business processes. Learn more


Empowered Business…Built-in Governance



25+ Years of Proven Customer Success


25 年以上的客户成功经验

Built-in security, best practice, and consistency ensures enterprise-grade results and alignment across the entire transformation effort.  And it’s the only platform that gives business owners the power to actually run their business, control their processes, and respond instantaneously to new opportunities – without IT or professional programmers.

Ultimus service methodologies are the proven path to customer success. Before you invest, we deliver a custom proof-of-concept that validates our claims, tests your requirements, and confirms an ROI. Our Solution Experts and Premium Partners deliver the early wins that make your transformation effort self-funding. And our support programs include ongoing mentoring services to maximize and document business value and ensure alignment with our technology roadmap. Learn More

